All the same I presently only have 4 unread items right now, and I've been ignoring many of them for several days (actually, I've read all 4 but have not seen where they fit with whatever I've written lately)...
Poop! (which explains why in a blindfolded taste test I tend to ask, 'did someone just shit in my mouth?'). There, I've fit one in and have 3 remaining, I guess that was easier than I had originally thought... Oh, wait, Aspartame was a creation of Monsanto, who probably wants nobody to know about this radio wave treated water stuff, because it could bankrupt them. I wonder if this could be replicated using 2 hoses and a chamber containing an underwater speaker playing some Mozart or Beethoven downtuned by 8Hz? Couldn't hurt to try it at the very least. (and I am down to 2 because that '432Hz thing' I read awhile back)
Now I will make a prediction that Hungary is going to become the enemy of the free world at some point in time and that there will be all kinds of bad things for which we will need to drop humanitarian bombs on them. Don't ask me what the reasoning will be, since chemical weapons don't seem to be going over all that well anymore, but something will be found to be some egregious offence against humanity and nature and it will somehow be an us or them scenario to which the utmost urgency is implied... Stay tuned...
The last one I actually hadn't read called "how to keep the NSA out of your computer"... I suspect my first instinct will prove to be correct, and that will be to not own one, but if it has anything worthwhile maybe it will appear here at a later date... So apparently I told an untruth, you will have to forgive that as it was more of an oversight than a deliberate lie.
give 'em both barrels...