Days of high union wages 'gone,' labour lawyer says:It doesn't get much more obvious than this... Do I even need to make comments on this one?
A prominent management labour lawyer George King and the CAW's president Ken Lewenza squared of in a debate about the future of Ontario's manufacturing industry.
Want to sit next to your kids on a flight? You'll have to pay up: Many parents say they’re irked by getting hit with extra fees they have to pay simply for the guarantee of sitting next to their own child on an airplane.Better plan: They can sit wherever you would like, they are all set with their big bag of candy and a slurpie made of pure mountain dew syrup, in fact, seat me as far from them as possible... Assholes.
Start me up: new visa program aims to lure techno 'brainiacs' to Canada: The federal government hopes to launch a raid of Silicon Valley and lure techno wizards up to Canada with its new start-up visa program that begins April 1.Funny, the last time I was looking for work in Information Technology it took almost a whole year, and I had to settle on less money than my previous job and the biggest asshole I have ever met became my manager. I guess I have my work cut out for me if I plan on changing companies, and the deadline is April 1st...
Dawson student expelled after finding student portal security flaw: Hamed Al-Khabaz, a student who was expelled from Montreal’s Dawson College after discovering security flaws in the online portal used by post-secondary students across Quebec, said there was no criminal intention behind his actions and wants to be allowed back to class.Way to teach your students to do the right thing. Kudos Dawson College! NOT!
Brian Stewart: More espionage now than during the Cold War:I would say that I do not find this hard to believe, only I can't say it out loud because the walls have ears [wink].
The conviction of Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Delisle for spying for the Russians is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to international espionage, Brian Stewart reports. The collateral damage is that Canada is now being seen as the 'soft underbelly' for NATO secrets.
Kenney suggests stripping citizenship in terrorism cases:I just had this really crazy idea on how to save a shitload on my taxes... Although I wonder where they deport the citizenshipless to? I hope it's warm in limbo...
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says the government should "consider" expanding a Tory MP's bill to strip Canadian citizenship from those who commit acts of terrorism.
Quebec considers going it alone on foreign aid: The Quebec government is taking an initial step that could lead to the creation of its own international-aid agency that would run parallel to the Government of Canada's.???? I actually can't think of anything more hilarious than the headline... This is more than Oxymoronic, it's almost a moron on Oxy, in fact.... Go Home Quebec, You're Drunk!
Report on PQ election shooting cites police communication problems: A report by Quebec's provincial police apparently describes communication lapses that plagued the force on the night of the shooting at Parti Quebecois headquarters last year.Let me guess, somebody accidentally said 'suspicious armed freak in batman underoos is approaching the stage' IN ENGLISH!!! The nerve. Ooops, Quelle domage...
System failed 11-year-old shocked by police Taser in B.C.: report: Massive failures within British Columbia’s child welfare system left one boy open to years of abuse and neglect before RCMP shocked him with a Taser, a report says.Which system? Because I'm seeing more than one system failure here...
Nearly half of U.S. children 'undervaccinated,' study finds: Results of a newly-released study highlights a growing number of U.S. parents are opting not to have their children vaccinated according to health guidelines.While I doubt that there are this many people not vaccinating their kids in the U.S., they are saying it like this is a bad thing.
Canadian kills 2 in Philippine court before being fatally shot by police: A Canadian man facing charges of illegal possession of firearms opened fire in a Philippine courtroom Tuesday, killing two people and wounding a prosecutor before police fatally shot him, officials said.What? So, they let him keep his 'illegal firearm' for his court date? Something's really not right about this one, but I am not actually sure what it is... I hope this is not one of those examples they are planning to use to promote gun control, because I think they've reported it all wrong...
Feds call in Algerian diplomat for info on alleged Candian militants: Frustrated with the lack of details about alleged Canadian involvement in a deadly Algerian gas plant attack, Ottawa has called in Algeria’s ambassador to Canada to get more information.I haven't heard much more about this. Did we stop caring already? Other question, should I fix their typo? Nah.
Dozens of Harvard Students Suspended For Cheating on “Introduction to Congress” Exam:Isn't that part of the curriculum? Let's ask German Education Minister Annette Schavan:
It would be interesting to know how many of these students are actively pursuing careers in politics. I’m sure that most members of congress would have to make their way through this course, and chances are they would have done it at Yale, Harvard or a similar institution.
German education minister vows to keep job despite losing PhD over plagiarism: Germany's education minister says she will not resign after a university stripped her of her doctorate because of plagiarism, and vowed to fight the ruling.See, cheating IS a part of the curriculum.
Waiter who refused service to customer becomes Web hero:It isn't all bad news, all the time.
The waiter in question, Michael Garcia, has been receiving goodwill and friend requests on the restaurant’s Facebook page since word spread that he stood up for a child with special needs.
Withdrawn: $114 Billion From Big U.S. Banks:OK, this one was weeks ago, yet still the mainstream propaganda stations appear to be ignoring it... It sounds like big news to me. but yet it isn't.
More than $114 billion exited the biggest U.S. banks this month, and nobody’s quite sure why.
The Federal Reserve releases data on the assets and liabilities of commercial banks every Friday. The most current figures, covering the first full week of 2013, show the largest one-week withdrawals since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Even when seasonally adjusted, the level drops to $52.8 billion—still the third-highest amount on record, and one for which bank experts and analysts were reluctant to give a definitive explanation.
Gold Bank Run Accelerating…Now the Swiss Want Their Gold Back- All 1040 Tons of It!:It's too bad the Al-Qaeda are spread so thin, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Mali, Algeria... They might need to pull out of Northern Africa long enough to do a bank job in New York and London... Don't worry, the CIA spooks are probably already working on that.
With last week’s announcement by the Bundesbank of the repatriation of 674 tons of German gold from Paris and NY over the next 7 years, we predicted that an avalanche of gold repatriation requests would soon be made to the BOE and the NYFed.
U.S.-Canada Harmonizing Border Security and Immigration Measures:Biometric? I guess I'll be avoiding that border until forever.
Dana Gabriel, Contributor
Activist Post
The U.S. and Canada have made significant progress in advancing the Beyond the Border deal and continue to implement various perimeter security initiatives. Without much fanfare, they have signed an immigration agreement that would allow them to share biographic and at a later date, biometric information. As part of a North American security perimeter, both countries are further harmonizing border security and immigration measures...
Court: Gov't Can Secretly Obtain Email, Twitter Info from Ex-WikiLeaks Volunteer Jacob Appelbaum:I have already written about this because it's been going on for years now... Thin Thread could have already had the ability to do this, had it not been cancelled for the fact that it actually required court orders, so hence Trailblazer was born. It all goes on in facilities like Room 641A at AT&T. As if that's not enough, I just heard about RIOT today... I haven't really read much about it yet, but I'm guessing it's more of the same...A federal appeals court has ruled the government can continue to keep secret its efforts to pursue the private information of Internet users without a warrant as part of its probe into the WikiLeaks. The case involved three people connected to the whistleblowing website whose Twitter records were sought by the government, including computer security researcher Jacob Appelbaum and Icelandic parliamentarian Birgitta Jónsdóttir. The ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which represented the account holders, argued that the subpoena violated their privacy rights and they should know why the government wanted their information. [includes rush transcript]
ENTIRE cop squad is FIRED after officers were caught on camera kissing girls, shopping and drinking coffee while ignoring 911 calls - including an unconscious baby:Which is why there's never a cop around when you need one.
The Miami Dade Police Department has fired a sergeant and two officers for dereliction of duty and suspended three others without pay in what is considered one of the worst incidents of delinquency in the department’s history.
The US could launch pre-emptive cyber strikes against countries
Pre-emptive Strikes Against... Just say 'Attack' for fucks sake. All this politically correct bullshit makes me shit blood. "Pre-emptive Strike" MEANING 'beat the living tar out of some unsuspecting victim before they see you coming, and if you're lucky, you could have ripped an eye out of it's socket and pissed into their skull before they've even had the chance to bite you, because maybe they were thinking of doing the exact same thing to you'. OK, adding 'Cyber' to the equation simply means it's not real piss, nor a real eyeball, but I think I've made my point...
Anonymous posts personal data of 4,000 US bankers online:
Personal information on some 4,000 people in the banking industry, including bank officers, was posted online Sunday by the hacker collective Anonymous.
The list was initially posted to the website for the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center (ACJIC), then apparently taken down by that site's operators. The ACJIC did not respond to a request for comment about the incident.
However, the list was also posted elsewhere online, and remains available through Google's Web cache. It contains contact information on people with a range of job titles, from cashier to C-level officers to bank presidents. Phone calls placed to several of the people on the list indicates that the tally is current and accurate.
Caught on Video: Old Man Punches Trespassing Reporter in the Face!:
A Michigan man asked the reporter to leave. He proceeds to go inside the man's business uninvited...and warned. He gets what's coming to him.
Private property - where a man is king of his castle!
Now that was a pre-emptive strike [wink]
BREAKING - RBS To Pay $800 Million Libor Fine, No One Will Face Criminal Charges:
Story just hit the wires a few minutes ago.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. Not only are there no criminal charges, but they probably made more than 800 Million by rigging Libor in the first place.
GOLDMAN BONUS WATCH: Blankfein Gets $13.4 Million:
Full details here - And check out the photo with this story.
In case you aren't sick of criminals getting rich yet...
Email Trails Show Bankers Behaving Badly: An anonymous reader writes "The New York Times is running a pair of stories about U.S. financial institutions being investigated by the Federal government and courts for alleged systemic and illegal activities that helped bring about the housing crisis and collapse of the world economy in 2008. Emails produced during courtroom discovery reveal that insiders at JP Morgan Chase knew that the bundles of securities they were marketing to investors were rotten with bad loans. And emails show the credit rating agency Standard & Poor's (a division of McGraw-Hill) was determined to stop losing deals to its competitors by being too tough on the banks whose products they were evaluating."And another one for good measure...
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Local Emergency Alert System Hacked, Warns Dead Rising From Graves: First time accepted submitter Rawlsian writes "Great Falls, Montana, television station KRTC issued a denial of an Emergency Alert System report that 'dead bodies are rising from their graves.' The denial surmises that 'someone apparently hacked into the Emergency Alert System...This message did not originate from KRTV, and there is no emergency.'"You see, this is what hacking is all about: mischief.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
The Light Bulb Conspiracy:I can't find the actual video he's referring to... Copyright or something like that. But he's pretty right on with this topic.
Martial Law Declared In New England:See, they don't need your guns, a little snow does the job too...
As of 5:00 PM EST Friday, authorities in multiple Northeastern US states have implemented martial law, due to “the weather.”
Facing up to one year in jail and a $1000 fine for merely driving their own cars on public streets and highways, citizens in various areas within the New England region have been hit with executive orders, threatening residents with criminal penalties if they leave their homes and attempt to drive during the current snowstorm.
Using the color of law to impose demands on the public that can only be seen as a massive overreach of power, individuals in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts thus far have been issued bans on driving in those areas.
Former manager at ‘Target’ store to oversee U.S. nuclear security — “We sold more of our $1.99 towels than we expected!” (VIDEO)Clean-up in aisle 4.
A Fucking Savage Destroys A 4000-Year Old Ruin In Lebanon:
Photo: A savage who calls himself/herself an "ambassador" to try to sound respectable destroys a great piece of ancient history in Lebanon with a car.
Shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque.
A law banning horses from Romanian roads may be responsible for the surge in the fraudulent sale of horsemeat on the European beef market, a French politician said yesterday.Horse-drawn carts were a common form of transport for centuries in Romania, but hundreds of thousands of the animals are feared to have been sent to the abattoir after the change in road rules.The law, which was passed six years ago but only enforced recently, also banned carts drawn by donkeys, leading to speculation among food-industry officials in France that some of the “horse meat” which has turned up on supermarket shelves in Britain, France and Sweden may, in fact, turn out to be donkey meat. “Horses have been banned from Romanian roads and millions of animals have been sent to the slaughterhouse,” said Jose Bove, a veteran campaigner for small farmers who is now vice-president of the European Parliament agriculture committee.
Now, was it labelled horse meat, or beef? I'm getting more confused than a meat packer in Britain, or France, or Romania, or somewhere in Europe, or Asia, or Africa, or Mars... Or wherever they've been getting all up in arms upon discovering they've been eating ass-burgers.
Well, I'm down to 67 unread news items now... Maybe I'll have to try this again the next time I've broken a hundred.
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