Tuesday, 29 October 2013

It's all about CONTROL

Sometimes I just have to laugh at it all because I have known full well for a long time that the control freaks are completely out of hand. It isn't that I've had some inside scoop handed to me or any proof undeniable dropped in my lap, but mostly that some truths are self-evident. they simply are whether we like it or not. The bottom line is that when I look out the window, I don't see the world that I once did, my perception on things have changed so much that I can no longer even see the facade.

No I don't suddenly have X-ray vision, but simply for what I know and understand I can no longer identify the exterior shell / mask put in place for the general public's consumption. I know it's still there, so don't think I am suddenly NEO who sees only computer code while within the matrix, even if this isn't really that far from the truth. It's actually more of an emotional sense that what I am looking at isn't really what I am looking at but is rather something much uglier, and more sinister than the object put in place in order to hide intent, except on the rare occasion that it is exactly what it looks like because one really cannot mask certain types of things from looking like exactly what they are. These things, however, are much rarer than you might expect.

The way I see things, the world is a giant interlocking control system. One system overlaid on top of another which at first glance simply appear to be independant of one another each performing it's own function somewhat unaware of the existence of any other system... But on further examination you realize that everything is in concert with everything else and that the apparent randomness of whirring gear(heads) and spinning cogs do follow a pattern of sorts. It's not something you could dance to but then with the present state of entertainment, what is?

Monday, 14 October 2013

Elbow deep a in flaming bag of dogshit

I am never more amazed by what the media talks about than I am by what the media does not talk about. It certainly aids the cause of pointing out who must control that which is called news, when they seemingly fail to mention that yet another European nation has told the Rothschild usury machine and it's wholly owned subsidiary named the IMF to go fuck it's self. Of course they then will go on and fail to mention anything about how that's working out for that nation because nobody wants to hear horrific words like: 'amazingly fast recovery'... That might lead to some foolish monkey see monkey do type of act where people have the gall to believe that if it's working there, it just might work here...

The nerve of some of us non-economists to think we might have some grasp of simple math wherein 1 is somehow equal to 1, instead of 1.025, or whichever number greater or less than 1 we were expected to swallow as being identical to 1 when it obviously never was. Yes, they really think we are all just that stupid, when in reality the only ones that stupid were the corrupt, greedy, and evil mongrels we were foolish enough to have elected to represent us in not selling our future for some useless and worthless trinkets, which according to the fine print we likely don't even own, but rather rented the privilege of viewing from the other side of triple-paned bulletproof glass until they've decided they don't even want us doing that anymore.

It isn't really that they will take it away, but rather that the batteries in the holographic projector will inevitably expire revealing the guarded display case to be as empty as it ever was. That's the real gag behind it all, it's always been over nothing.... Except when it was over less than nothing... Thankfully I doubt it will be me reaching into the grab bag of stolen booty to find myself elbow deep in flaming dog shit simply because I am fairly certain I'd find precisely that, so I wouldn't be fool enough to put my hands into it in the first place... But if it so pleases you, be my guest, prove me wrong if you can, just don't despair as I will laugh at whomever proves me right by getting an armful of searingly hot stink.

Surely you must be aware of the rate at which our decent has begun to accelerate. It won't be too long now before we speed right past free fall into tailspin nosedive. And still the reporter on the street fails to ask who's piloting the plane, while instead advertising how rigorously the manufacturer claims to have stress-tested the wings, or maybe giving the sand covered 2 almonds in a bag a 4 out of 5 stars... Always the focus on the banal and trivial details which keep the discussion from becoming anything remotely practical... In the end you know they will simply accuse a brown person halfway around the world for the whole damned mess, so why don't you save yourself the time and tune into one of those horribly scripted reality shows now? It's always easiest to feel smugly superior while boo boo eats 'sghetti', isn't it?

In case you missed the cynical and sarcastic inflection not audible in written texts, fuck off... I'd repeat it if everything I write here didn't already feel l like a regurgitation of some prepackaged near-food Monsanto concoction I accidentally ingested weeks or even months ago. Yes, I feel like I am simply plagiarizing myself over and over in the hopes of making any kind of progress in making my point idiot proof, which my background in user end computer support, dictates to be an albino wooly mammoth... Sadly, idiot proofing tends to simply create a better idiot in most cases. Maybe that makes me the real idiot, for cotinuing to try...


Saturday, 12 October 2013

No Choice But To Not Choose

Well, another long awaited, much delayed blog entry is upon me. Again I'll attempt to reword the exact same bottled and distilled sentiment of disgust for the lowest common denominator, rock bottom priced, yet no one can afford, prepackaged garbage called freedom of choice between Walmart or Target, and from which your choice was based primarily in which place you could obtain an employee discount. I say these things as I two facedly scam Wi-Fi from the nearby apple store shrine of worship to all that is newly obsolete yet polished shiny and observably thumb-fucking my own shining and polished, obsolete three years before it was made, NSA locator tag...

I'd hate the world if it weren't so ironically backwards as to make it simple to point and laugh at. Though I would have figured more people would be pointing and laughing by now... Maybe that's not happening for the same reasonings as my own pointed words have s slowed of late... The simple need to ignore it all for a while to rebalance the sane from the insane, because nobody can remain immersed in utter insanity every hour of every day and hope to emerge unscathed... So we take to the silence of our own mind now and again.

But then the USA is closed so I guess that means the Zionists need a new pitbull to unleash rabid and foaming in Syria... Unless there was some last minute autopilot contingency put in place, which I somehow missed during this sabbatical... Seems unlikely though as I am not the only person who's been paying attention...

I know there have been consequences when I write what I'm thinking... I now have a measured and observed difference between being offered 1 possible job every three weeks (which I ultimately don't get), to being offered 3 or 4 jobs a week, some of which I still haven't seen to any conclusiveness of not getting... Maybe next week the theory shall be proven, as I will post this, and the 2 open offers suddenly forget I exist...

I am aware that the grass is brown and laden with grubs and rotworm on every side of the fence, but I can't help but wonder if it's time to give up on here, and go there just to see if things change even slightly... I only know that I'll never really know if I don't test the theory, but the question has always been one of where to then? I've had some recent dalliance with the idea of Kingston, but almost no logic which presents this as a good idea... Maybe that's exactly why it should be followed, but then maybe that's fate rather than destiny talking.... It's hard to know since both appear to speak using the same voice, except that one uses a much more finite verbiage than the other... It's subtle enough that most tend not to hear the difference, but the devils in the details.

Which comes right back to this freedom of false choices issue... It isn't as though the banksters don't also own Kingston just as they do almost every other property or worldly possession known to exist. No the true freedom to choose is actually realized in choosing not to choose. The game can only be won by never having played it in the first place, which is why so few seem to comprehend that there was even a game in play, they're too busy debating the rulebook while watching the instant replay to recognize just how they've been played. Sure some may be gaining a certain level of awareness to the horror that is the truth, but I know from my own experience that there ain't no simple 12-step program created to ween you from the programming... And if there was it would have been created by those same programmers so why would you ever trust it?

So I'm well past any point of no return, not that going back to whatever once was sounds even remotely palatable, yet at the same time I'm still trapped in the hamster wheel with little means of escape. I'd become the phoenix reborn of my own ashes if I truly believed it would make any difference one way or the other, but have come to think that at most I'd only serve the purpose of a bad example. This is what so often happens when things are left to the interpretation of expert morons with a PhD in stupid. And a lot of things are left to be interpreted by exactly those morons in these times.

I've had a very odd encounter lately with someone who feels like a lifelong friend yet I've never actually met them... I have no means of knowing if anything about this person is true yet something just resonates as 'can't be any other way'. Maybe this is simply the mirror holding itself up and revealing that my sentiment exists out there as well as in here, and maybe this was presented at a much needed time as i had been lacking the strength of faith to not give up and put the kabash on everything and give in to all the brainwashing if for no other reason than to gain just a little latitude, even if this latitude were simply for the sake of appearances as many who are close to me don't see or understand the world in the same light as I do.

Thus far my sacrifice has been the cost of nonconformity, I refuse to compromise myself for the safety of having a carrot on a string dangled before me, yet somehow this comes off as being lazy, or uncreative, or failing to adapt. The exact opposite is true, however, as nobody appears to realize just how hard it is to refuse to consider any part of this place as being normal given that I am shown the cost of this refusal on a daily basis. It's, in fact, rather difficult to continuously struggle against the torrent of sleepwalkers who refuse to mind where they are or which direction they travel, and who won't even take a second look at their surroundings. But then so many dreams seem real while you are in them, regardless of whatever physical impossibilities may occur, right up until that fading recollection in the first ten minutes after waking.

Well, I've said a lot of nothing much here, and taken much more time to say it than I'd hoped. It's no longer yesterday afternoon here but tomorrow morning, which, given the absence of links is possibly the longest any of these ramblings had ever taken... But this is that first ten minutes after waking and the dream is slowly fading, so it would appear that this is as good a time to end this as any...
