Monday, 9 September 2013

♫♪ don't worry, be fucking hostile ♫♪

Quite obviously we are asking the wrong questions of politicians when we ask them not to raise tuitions, or fix the roads, or stop bullshitting us about how they are going to fix the economy by giving money to corrupt bastards, who are, at the same, time stealing money... What we need to ask them is why we are using these people as if they were simply a ratings agency, when they are OUR bank, meaning we own it and even if they were to charge interest that would be interest we earn instead of them, because their profits, don't seem to hold any bearing on the real economy, and they certainly don't help the poorest of people, as those are not the people eligible for 'low interest loans' if they were eligible for loans at all. Not that I am advocating digging a deeper hole in the effort of climbing out of a hole, but, sometimes when one cannot find employment, they might need money to try to invent their own employment.

Obviously stories like this one, or this one, suggest that the economy isn't really getting better and the fact that 'OPTIMISM' has to be inserted into the headline dealing with 5000 job losses in a month reeks of whitewashing... Remember this is the same optimistic person who routinely has to apologize for saying some of the stupidest, most racist and xenophobic garbage which she didn't mean to be taken 'in context', so forgive me when I begin to wonder what context OPTIMISTIC was meant to be taken in... The keywords of note here (after reading all the things they've failed at) is "the PQ is confident and happy with what they have accomplished", so one should, maybe, just maybe, question what the agenda actually is here.

♫♪Don't worry, be happy♫♪ it's all part of the game designed solely to lull you just shy of becoming ♫♪fucking hostile♫♪.


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