I had a revelation yesterday. Everything made perfect sense in an instant and every other question fell by the wayside. The singular answer to every mystery was sitting right in front of my eyes, where it had been so many times before. Everyone has been overlooking it because it is so completely prominent in our daily lives. Many have even come close to asking the right question yet persist in failing to present the answer in the form of a question...
'Follow the money'?
Sure the money trail might uncover the secrets of who really killed JFK and who commissioned the job, or how many weeks and workers were needed to plant the explosive nano-thermite charges in three World Trade center buildings and who they worked for... But these facts are still obfuscating the much bigger lie. The much bigger lie is also much older than any of us, and older than many of our nations. The secret is so closely guarded that it is likely known to no more than about 2 dozen people on the planet at any given time, and so unbelievable that it is easily discounted as lunacy should some random person stumble into it.
The lie is told to us through our entire lives and we believe it so blindly because it is so believable as to assume a presence, just like the air we breathe. While the air can only be proven by ducking your head below the surface of water and trying to breathe, this lie has certain physical manifestations that present us with the obviousness that it cannot be a lie. And so, confused, we drift off to sleep again.