Sunday, 25 September 2016

Pinning the Tail On the Zombie

I'm rather disturbed by the recent reports of a Syrian civil war. It's only started in the past month and I cannot for the life of me figure out how terrorists and less terrifying terrorists funded and trained by the Zionist Attack and Terrorize Organisation (NATO, but the N was beaten and stabbed by Israel and has since been lying on its back bleeding out in an alley like so many nameless Palestinians on any given week) attempting to overthrow the government that thier owners and handlers don't like could possibly be called a civil war? The only civilians involved are the ones being beheaded or corralled into Europe... Though I am not sure they are civilians either given the recent gang-rape and mob violence which appears to be occurring in the same locales which you didn't hear about in the media. No you only hear about places that want nothing to do with any of it.

All I know for certain is: if it's good for George Soros it's bad for everyone else. Not that he is unique in that description, nor alone in his clique, but that he's been centre stage for a while now. And that the shoe fits.

There's a whole lotta finger pointing going on, even though it's not really working. I know what the attempt is, but it can't work while Russia is paying attention. Ultimately, the rest of the world sees what's going on, not that the U.S. government appears to be trying to hide things very well...

Why isn't the entire country up in arms? I don't get it... 15 years ago, a war on terror was declared (granted under false pretexts) and that war is now about helping terrorists and even protecting them. Has the media created an entire nation of brain-dead zombies completely unwilling to fact check something so obviously fabricated?

I guess it has... Oooooh, purdy fireworks, gona git me some popcorn.



1 comment:

  1. USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, U S A!!!
    It all must be good cause Georgie breaths still.
    Along with all the rest.
