Monday, 17 March 2014


I have come to understand a great many things in my endless thirst for knowledge, and have grown to a point where certain things are completely obvious... At least to me... For example, I know full well that if the news needs to lay blame on the dying pacific scallop there will be nary a single mention of Fuk'y'all'shima, because YOU still own a car.

I know that any usage of the word Palestine, in any form that isn't past tense is now synonymous with Jew-hating anti-Semite, even if I understand most Jews to be descendants of the Kazars, and therefore, not Semitic to begin with.

I know that it makes little difference whether I see the money in my wallet as the contract to my own enslavement because so few others appear to grasp this concept.

I understand that both religion and language are mind traps and am even vaguely aware that the sounds of unsilence emanating from the rings of Satan are somewhat involved "in the name of the father, son, and holy spirit -- Amen (Ahmen, Amon, Saturn, or any other name selected by the father of lies)". God, and the devil, are me... And you, at least to some sliding scale ratio, so we really do not need to look any further than within.

... And finally, I know that my recent hiatus did nothing to improve my chances in acquiring any form of employment... I needed to test that theory, but, the last headhunter I spoke with suddenly had phone issues in the form of the line going dead mid-sentence... They did not call back, nor had they given me sufficient callback information... I am starting to suspect there is some to secret employment blacklist and I rank fairly high on it, but would rather not entertain such paranoia too strongly. But then, in a place where all the big fish keep eating up all the little fish, the number of prospective employers shrinks weekly into a brand under a different name to maintain the illusion of choice while all the money ends up in the same place.

But then, as a self taught technologist, perhaps it is my lack of initials that are not actually part of my name which makes me as obsolete as last month's cell phone... I know I am never actually obsolete because I troubleshoot by intuition, whether my former taskmasters could appreciate my ability to pull the correct answer out of thin air is not really 'my' problem... And the last one absolutely hated just how infrequently I was wrong, as well as just how easily these answers came to me... Or he hated that I could not fix his computer without actually touching it... You can decide that one because I've stopped attempting to find that answer.

I know that if there is a loophole in the system that it will not apply to me yet all the cracks are large enough for me to fall into and slick enough for me to stay down there a long, long time.

I just followed a 'drop in and meet a job counselor today', advertisement to be told to call and make an appointment... Because irony is never lost on me, and therefore tends to follow me around to make sure the "kick me" sign has not come unglued...



  1. Maybe then it is time to re-invent yourself. Clearly the path you are trying to wander is not the path the universe wishes you to trudge down.

    1. I am aware, and have been aware of this fact for many years now. Normally when this occurs the next path presents itself, which, this time, it has not.


    2. Please take this all with a grain of salt. But a few observations:

      --You are painfully aware of obvious, self-evident absurdities. Not blissfully dull, distracted, and/or contented/desperate.

      --You have been diligent in researching and changes have taken place in you.

      --You are already well down the path and will be fine: “I know that it makes little difference whether I see the money in my wallet as the contract to my own enslavement because so few others appear to grasp this concept.

      I understand that both religion and language are mind traps and am even vaguely aware that the sounds of unsilence emanating from the rings of Satan are somewhat involved "in the name of the father, son, and holy spirit -- Amen (Ahmen, Amon, Saturn, or any other name selected by the father of lies)". God, and the devil, are me... And you, at least to some sliding scale ratio, so we really do not need to look any further than within.”

      --Yes, metaphorically speaking, it is alchemy: you are changing your lead into inside job and tag-your-it.

      --What ever you are going to do: you may have to actively create it yourself (with much help from the guidance inside and work).

      So may I suggest you take a little break from ‘the show’ and if you have not already, wade off in this direction, and become more hermit-like for just a short time (How to get that connection stronger?).

      Hope this helps and doesn't hinder you,
